Bing can turn a paper sketch into a website for free!

credit: Shouldigetit2 on Youtube

Have you ever had a great creative idea in your mind but haven’t been able to bring it to life on your website?


Well, thanks to the latest improvements of AI technology, you can now build a website for free using just a sketch!

One of the most amazing applications of LLMs is image-to-code generation:

This technique involves converting an image of a sketch into HTML code that can be rendered as a website. One of the tools that can do this is Sketch2Code, which is incorporated in the free Microsoft Bing chatbot.

How can this change the creator space?


·      Lowering the barrier for entry

o   Anyone can display their website vision online a lot cheaper.

o   I expect most people to have their personal or business site in the next 5 years!

·      It saves time

o   This is the most vital resource for a start-ups, allowing them to trial different branding options to optimize and launch their products or services faster and cheaper.



Will website designers become extinct?

Impressive as AI may be, to truly replace developers, customers are not always able to articulate their vision clearly or precisely. Truly valuable creations are brought about by thinking outside the box, not following orders by the letter.

The future of programming and site development will probably involve a collaboration between human experts and AI tools, where each can leverage their strengths and compensate for their weaknesses.


In fact, subscription based AI-powered website builders already exist online!


These platforms employ AI to automate layout design, content arrangement, and even suggest colour schemes. However, the role of AI is often complementary, and the human touch remains essential for refining the aesthetic and functional aspects of websites.


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