From Holy Scriptures to UFOs: exploring the hidden ocean beneath the Earth's crust


In a discovery resembling something out of a Jules Verne novel, scientists have found a vast ocean hidden beneath the Earth's crust. This subterranean sea is believed to contain three times as much water as all the oceans on the surface combined, and could change our understanding of how life originated on earth.


Before we venture down the rabbit hole of the supernatural, let's discuss this natural phenomenon scientifically. This ocean does not contain free flowing water as we are accustomed to, but is instead stored within a type of mineral called ringwoodite, which soaks up water almost like a sponge. Scientists discovered this mineral by unearthing an remarkably rare diamond formed 660 km under the earth’s surface, containing a sample of ringwoodite.


Although this natural phenomenon was discovered by modern science less than a decade ago, some people argue that ancient texts have held this answers for millennia!

“… on that day all the fountains of the great deep burst forth, and the windows of the heavens were opened.” Genesis 7:11

Genesis 7:11

Intriguingly, biblical fundamentalists claim the bible spoke of this ocean’s resurgence causing Noah’s flood in the book of Genesis.


Not spellbound by mind-bending theories yet? Then buckle up, because we’re about to talk about aliens.

While UFO sightings have garnered significant attention, a considerable number of sightings actually fall under the category of Unidentified Submerged Objects (USOs).

A large majority of these sightings come from underwater military exercises, which have observed phenomena like flying objects at terminal velocity enter the ocean without disrupting its surface. The first thought of many people on social media is to link ‘aliens’ in this underground ocean as an explanation for these sightings.


Do you think an intelligent civilisation could live underneath our oceans? Do you have even wilder ideas? Smash the button below.


Jaw-dropping podcasts 🛸


Do you like to hear non delusional people’s insights on aliens? Lex Fridman is an AI researcher at MIT, host of one of the world’s highest rated podcasts, and really loves asking guests about aliens. Check out this episode where he interviews David Fravor, a US navy pilot who was a primary witness to one of the most credible UFO sightings – spooky!

Thank you for reading!


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